Fat Transfer

Complete Results

4 Weeks +

Recovery Time

7 – 14 Days

Nights In Hospital

Same Day or Overnight Stay Maximum


Revitalize Your Beauty with Nature’s Best – Fat Transfer by Dr. Deemesh Oudit

Welcome to the transformative world of Fat Transfer, a natural solution to rejuvenate and enhance your appearance. At the hands of Dr. Deemesh Oudit, a renowned plastic surgeon in Manchester, this procedure emerges as an art form, offering both subtle enhancement and significant transformation using your body’s natural resources. Fat transfer, or fat grafting, involves transferring fat from areas with excess fat, such as the thighs or abdomen, to areas that may need volume, such as the face, hands, breasts, or buttocks. This technique is favored for its dual benefit of slimming one area while augmenting another, all while ensuring a natural look and feel. Dr. Oudit’s expertise in this field, combined with his artistic vision, promises results that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also harmonious with your overall physique.

Detailed Overview

Fat transfer is a sophisticated procedure that harmonizes two essential aesthetic desires: sculpting one part of the body while enhancing another. Ideal for those seeking a more natural approach to cosmetic enhancement, this procedure uses the patient’s fat, making it a biocompatible and safe option with a lower risk of allergic reactions.

Who is a Good Candidate?

  • Individuals with areas of excess fat who also desire enhancement in other body parts.
  • Patients seeking a natural alternative to implants or synthetic fillers.
  • People with good skin tone and elasticity.

The Procedure Explained During a fat transfer, fat is harvested from the donor area (typically the abdomen, thighs, or flanks) using liposuction. This fat is then purified and prepared for injection into the target area, where it adds volume and shape. Common areas for fat grafting include the face (to fill in wrinkles or sunken areas), breasts (for augmentation or reconstruction), buttocks (for a Brazilian Butt Lift), and hands (to restore youthful fullness).

Dr. Oudit’s approach to fat transfer is meticulous, focusing on achieving a balance between the removal and addition of fat to create a harmonious and natural-looking result. The procedure not only enhances the target area but also contours the donor site, offering a comprehensive aesthetic improvement.

Why It’s Done

Fat transfer is more than just a cosmetic procedure; it’s a transformative journey that aligns physical appearance with personal aspirations. This procedure is sought for various reasons, each deeply personal and significant to the individual.

Medical Reasons and Benefits

  • Volume Restoration: As we age, we lose volume in certain areas like the face and hands. Fat transfer restores this lost volume, offering a more youthful appearance.
  • Contouring and Enhancement: For those desiring a more pronounced contour in areas like the breasts or buttocks, fat transfer provides a natural alternative to implants.
  • Improvement of Scars or Depressions: Fat grafting can improve the appearance of scars or depressions from injuries or previous surgeries.
  • Refinement after Major Weight Loss: Post-weight loss, certain areas might need volume to achieve a balanced look.

By choosing fat transfer, patients benefit from a more natural result, reduced risk of allergic reactions (since it uses the patient’s own tissue), and the added advantage of contouring the area where the fat is harvested.

How You Prepare

Preparing for a fat transfer procedure with Dr. Oudit involves a series of steps to ensure the best possible outcome.

Pre-Operative Instructions

  • Consultation: The journey begins with a detailed consultation, where Dr. Oudit assesses your suitability for the procedure, discusses your aesthetic goals, and answers any questions.
  • Medical Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation including your medical history, any medications you are taking, and any allergies.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Patients may be advised to stop smoking, avoid certain medications, and maintain a stable weight before the surgery.
  • Planning for Recovery: Arranging for someone to drive you home after the procedure and help during the first few days of recovery.

Important Considerations

  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding the realistic outcomes of fat transfer is crucial. Dr. Oudit ensures that each patient has a clear vision of what to expect.
  • Nutrition: A well-balanced diet is recommended for optimal healing.
  • Clothing: Prepare loose, comfortable clothing that does not need to be pulled over your head.

Dr. Oudit and his team provide detailed guidelines tailored to each patient’s specific needs, ensuring a safe and smooth preparation phase.

Procedure Steps

The fat transfer procedure is a blend of meticulous technique and artistic vision, conducted in stages to ensure precision and optimal results.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  1. Anesthesia: The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure comfort throughout the surgery.
  2. Harvesting Fat: Fat is gently liposuctioned from the donor area, usually the abdomen, thighs, or flanks. This stage not only collects the fat but also contours the donor site.
  3. Purification of Fat: Once harvested, the fat is centrifuged or processed to purify it, separating viable fat cells from other fluids.
  4. Injection into the Target Area: The purified fat is then carefully injected into the desired area, sculpting and enhancing the region with natural body fat.
  5. Final Adjustments and Closure: Dr. Oudit meticulously makes final adjustments to ensure symmetry and a natural appearance before closing any incisions.

This procedure, while seemingly straightforward, requires a deep understanding of anatomy and aesthetics, skills in which Dr. Oudit excels. The aim is to achieve a harmonious and lasting result that enhances the patient’s natural beauty.

Risks and Complications

While fat transfer is generally safe, it’s important to understand the potential risks and complications. Dr. Oudit believes in informed consent, ensuring patients are aware and prepared.

Common Risks and How They Are Managed

  • Infection and Bleeding: These are rare but standard risks in any surgical procedure. Strict aseptic techniques and careful monitoring are employed to minimize these risks.
  • Irregularities in Contour: Sometimes, fat may not be evenly absorbed, leading to contour irregularities. Dr. Oudit’s expertise in fat placement minimizes this risk.
  • Fat Resorption: Some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body. Dr. Oudit addresses this by overfilling the target area slightly, anticipating some degree of fat loss.
  • Anesthesia Risks: As with any surgery under anesthesia, there are inherent risks, which are mitigated by using only certified anesthesiologists and state-of-the-art monitoring equipment.

Patients are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have regarding risks with Dr. Oudit during their consultation. Understanding these risks helps patients make well-informed decisions about their care.

What You Can Expect

Undergoing a fat transfer procedure with Dr. Oudit is a journey that encompasses pre-operative preparation, the procedure itself, and post-operative care.

Before the Procedure

  • Patients undergo a thorough consultation and medical evaluation.
  • Instructions on lifestyle adjustments and medications are provided.
  • Pre-operative photographs may be taken for comparison.

During the Procedure

  • The procedure is performed in a fully equipped surgical suite.
  • Dr. Oudit and his team ensure comfort and safety throughout the surgery.

After the Procedure

  • Immediate Post-Operative Care: Patients are closely monitored as they recover from anesthesia.
  • Recovery Period: Recovery time varies, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks. Detailed aftercare instructions are provided.
  • Follow-Up Consultations: Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure optimal results.

Patient-Centered Care

  • Dr. Oudit and his team are committed to providing personalized care, ensuring each patient feels supported and informed throughout their journey.


Fat transfer with Dr. Oudit is not just a procedure; it’s a pathway to achieving your aesthetic vision. The results are both physical and psychological, enhancing appearance and boosting self-confidence.

Typical Outcomes

  • Natural and Lasting Results: Fat transfer offers results that look and feel natural. The integration of your own fat cells with the body’s tissues ensures a harmonious enhancement.
  • Dual Benefits: The procedure enhances the target area while simultaneously contouring the donor site, offering a comprehensive aesthetic improvement.

Long-Term Expectations

  • While some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed initially, the remaining fat typically stays in place long-term.
  • Patients are advised to maintain a stable weight to preserve the results.

Success Stories

  • Dr. Oudit’s portfolio showcases numerous success stories, with patients attaining their desired outcomes.
  • Before-and-after photos, available during the consultation, provide a visual testament to the transformative effects of fat transfer.


Q1: How long does fat transfer last? A: Fat transfer results are long-lasting, though some fat may be naturally absorbed by the body within the first few months. The remaining fat usually stays permanently, making it a durable option for volume enhancement.

Q2: Is fat transfer safe? A: Yes, when performed by a skilled surgeon like Dr. Oudit, fat transfer is safe. It uses your own body fat, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or rejection.

Q3: Will there be scars after the procedure? A: Scarring is minimal as the procedure involves small incisions for fat harvesting and injection. Dr. Oudit’s precise technique ensures these are discreetly placed and typically fade over time.

Q4: How long is the recovery period? A: Recovery varies depending on the extent of the procedure, but most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks. Dr. Oudit provides detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.

Q5: Can fat transfer be combined with other procedures? A: Yes, it can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for more comprehensive results. Dr. Oudit will discuss suitable combination options during your consultation.

Q6: How much does fat transfer cost? A: The cost varies depending on the areas treated and the complexity of the procedure. A detailed quote is provided after a thorough consultation with Dr. Oudit.

Before/After Gallery

Complete Results

4 Weeks +

Recovery Time

7 – 14 Days

Nights In Hospital

Same Day or Overnight Stay Maximum